"If God doesn't exist, human dignity, worth, and moral duty must have emerged from valueless processes. In fact, and in contrast, from valuelessness, valuelessness comes. On the other hand, God's existence offers a ready explanation for the existence of value in the world. If goodness somehow existed as part of the furniture of the universe (reflecting Plato's theory of forms), then it would be an astonishing cosmic coincidence that creatures would evolve over billions of years and somehow be duty-bound to moral values just waiting 'out there' ...as though these values were somehow anticipating the emergence of humans! Again, God's existence connects preexisting goodness (God's character) with these valuable creatures (in God's image)." [1]
Courage and Godspeed,
1. Paul Copan, True for You, But Not for Me, p. 99.
Courage and Godspeed,
1. Paul Copan, True for You, But Not for Me, p. 99.