Few debates are as intense as the one that exists between those who advocate Intelligent Design and those who hold to Darwinian Evolution. Regardless of where you stand in this debate, it's important to understand what those who advocate Intelligent Design actually hold to or believe.
The Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center (IDEA) seeks to "promote intelligent design theory by educating people about intelligent design in a non-threatening and non-dogmatic manner."
The IDEA center is a wonderful place to get answers about Intelligent Design and the science behind it. We encourage you to checkout the following:
Courage and Godspeed,
Chad A. Gross
There is no debate in the scientific community about the basic facts of evolution. Every biologist in the world (except a small handful of idiots who work for Bible colleges) agrees that all life shares common ancestors.
Biologists also agree that intelligent design is nothing more than a childish belief in magic.
It's dishonest to pretend there's some debate about evolution when all scientists and all educated people have accepted evolution as fact for more than a century. Thanks to recent discoveries in molecular biology it has become completely impossible for an educated person to deny the facts of evolution. Religious extremists only prove how ignorant they are when they deny people share an ancestor with chimps. I also think they are cowardly. They are too afraid of reality to study the discoveries of modern biology.
Thank you for taking the time to comment. For future reference, all posts with name calling or profanity will be deleted. I made an exception here.
1)"There is no debate in the scientific community about the basic facts of evolution."
How did you come to this conclusion?
2)"Every biologist in the world (except a small handful of idiots who work for Bible colleges) agrees that all life shares common ancestors."
Again, how did you come to this conclusion? And how many is a "small handful?" 10? 1,000?
3) "Thanks to recent discoveries in molecular biology it has become completely impossible for an educated person to deny the facts of evolution."
Discoveries like?
4) "They are too afraid of reality to study the discoveries of modern biology."
Again, examples of these discoveries would prove helpful.