Video: Frank Turek Speaks on Same-Sex Marriage

With the President of the United States recent public endorsement of same-sex marriage, it seemed like a good time to feature the following talk by Dr. Frank Turek, author of Correct, not Politically Correct: How Same Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone, that deals with the topic.  The talk is entitled Nothing Gay about It.  

Followers of Christ are advised to equip themselves to be able to intelligently and respectfully articulate their views on this important topic.

The talk is in 6 parts:

Part I [9:42]

Part II [9:48]

Part III [9:47]

Part IV [9:47]

Part V [9:32]

Part VI [5:53]

For more resources from Frank Turek, go here.

Courage and Godspeed,


Unknown said…
I think of the person who says they just HAPPENED to be gay. I created the acronym HAPPENED to remember Frank Turek's key questions from his web page on Gay Marriage Arguments: I hope others use it!

1. Are all kinds of sexual contact the same? Is sexual contact ever unhealthy and/or unloving?

4. Is there any difference between sexual desires (orientation) and sexual behavior?
5. Should people act on every desire they have?
6. Must the government recognize every desire people have as a right?

8. Are children usually better off with a mom and a dad, or is parenting irrelevant to their development?


9. What’s more beneficial to a society—endorsing homosexuality or endorsing good parenting?
3. Should the government promote harmful behavior?
10. Should the government endorse behavior that is usually harmful but in rare exceptions is not?
11. Is there a difference between religion and morality?

7. Is there a difference between skin color and sexual behavior?

2. Are people ever born with conditions that are not normal and sometimes harmful?

13. What would be the effect on society if everyone lived faithfully in natural marriage?
12. If marriage has been weakened by liberalized divorce laws, does it make sense to weaken it further by liberalized marriage laws?

14. What would be the effect on society if everyone lived faithfully in same-sex marriage?

Andrew Ryan said…
"14. What would be the effect on society if everyone lived faithfully in same-sex marriage?"

What if everyone decided to become a plumber? We'd all starve! What if we all became nuns and monks? No more children!

"7. Is there a difference between skin color and sexual behavior? "

Wrong question. It's either 'Is there a difference between race and gender" or it's "Is there a difference between gender preference and race preference".

"8. Are children usually better off with a mom and a dad, or is parenting irrelevant to their development? "

That's not an either/or question. Perhaps a child can be just as well off with two mothers - that doesn't make parenting 'irrelevant'.

"4. Is there any difference between sexual desires (orientation) and sexual behavior?"

Obviously. Others it would be meaningless to describe one celibate person as gay and another celibate person as straight.

The rest of your questions seem to rely on concepts like the govt endorsing or promoting homosexuality, which I don't see following from allowing gay marriage - any more than allowing free speech means one is promoting or endorsing each and every opinion that any citizen comes out with.