B.B. Warfield on Catechism

"No doubt it requires some effort whether to teach or to learn the Shorter Catechism.  It requires some effort whether to teach or to learn the grounds of any department of knowledge.  Our children-some of them at least-groan over even primary arithmetic, and find sentence-analysis a burden.  Even the conquest of the art of reading has proved such a task that 'reading without tears' is deemed an achievement.  We think, nevertheless, that the acquisition of arithmetic, grammar, and reading is worth the pains it costs the teacher to teach, and the pain it costs the learner to learn them.  Do we not think the acquisition of the grounds of religion worth some effort, and even, if need be, some tears?" [1]

Not sure what "catechism" is?  See here.  [HT: Apologetics315]

My wife and I have found this catechism very helpful with our own children.

Courage and Godspeed,

1. As quoted by Voddie Baucham, Jr. in Family Shepherds.
