Worldview and Apologetics in the News

Heartbeat Laws: What You Need to Know

When a Physically Healthy Teen is Allowed to Die

Jay Richards: The Many Dilemmas of Materialism

Detecting False Dichotomies that Hinder the Mission of the Church

Northeast dominates list of America’s most ‘post-Christian’ cities: Barna Report

You Can Hate Abortion and Love Women

When Orthodox Jews Oppose Followers of Jesus

Watch: Stephen Meyer Expertly Punctures the Rule of Methodological Naturalism

Why I Used to Believe in the Prosperity Gospel Like Kenneth Copeland Believes

Just a Drop in the Bucket, You Say? Here’s Why the Christian Exodus From Netflix Matters

Archaeological discovery: Old Testament-era gate, high place found

Amid a sea of companies raising money for abortion, Wendy's stands up and promotes adoption

Pride and the president

Black female Democratic lawmaker says abortion is ‘modern-day genocide’

Courage and Godspeed,


Our last edition is here.
