Natasha Crain on why Christians have varying views on how and when God created the world

The age of the Earth/Universe is one of the hotly debated topics amongst Christians.  It is also a topic that has received attention in my own household as my kids have asked me some very relevant questions about this topic.  

For me, my focus has been more on informing them of the different views that exist among Christians.  One of the resources that I have found most helpful is Natasha Crain's book, Keeping Your Kids on God's Side: 40 Conversations to Help Them Build a Lasting Faith.  

Question 33 asks "Why do Christians have varying views on how and when God created the world?"  In this section, the author presents the views along with a helpful diagram (p. 201) which I have referred to frequently.

So why should you and your kids understand the different views on origins?  Crain provides a response based on an email she received from one of her readers-

"My son is 18 and just announced that he no longer believes in God.  We brought both of our children up in church, and he alone made the choice to be saved and baptized.  When he got older, he started hanging out with several kids who were atheists.  He started changing his views on religion.  I fought back with truth but felt like I was in a fight I couldn't win.  I was defeated by all the scientific arguments I couldn't answer.  I need stronger knowledge for the fight yet before me."1

"The science involved in the origins debate is very frequently the sole dividing line between Christian faith and atheism- for kids and adults alike.  Whether in a public middle/high school, a secular university, or everyday life as an adult, our kids will eventually hear that evolution is simply a fact and that the Earth is unquestionably billions of years old.  Our kids will also hear that those statements are irreconcilable with the Bible (in reality, some Christians would agree and some would not).  Therein lies the question of the day:  What will your kids do when they encounter these claims?"1

God Bless,

1- Keeping Your Kids on God's Side pg. 202
