Book Preview: Rescuing Inerrancy - A Scientific Defense by Hugh Ross


About the Author

Reasons to Believe emerged from my passion to research, develop, and proclaim compelling new reasons to believe in Jesus Christ as Creator, Lord, and Savior and to use these new reasons to help people put their trust in him. I am eager to equip Christians to engage in conversation with science-minded non-Christians, rather than to withdraw or go on the attack. With the help of my RTB colleagues, I’ve been working to develop a biblical creation model that is testable and predictive.

I especially enjoy integrating the content of the Bible—all 66 books—with the findings reported in multiple science journals. This process leads to fresh insight and application. The words of 1 Peter 3:15–16 express my core values and ministry goal: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience.”1

About the Book

Theologians, pastors, and churchgoers face a growing crisis. An increasing number of respected evangelical scholars say it's time to rethink the bedrock doctrine of biblical inerrancy. They claim that new scientific findings necessitate an overhaul of inerrancy for Christianity to remain viable in the intellectual sphere.

In Rescuing Inerrancy, astrophysicist Hugh Ross offers a scientific defense of biblical inerrancy. He provides evidence for a moderate concordist view of dual revelation-the notion that God faithfully reveals himself in the book of Scripture and the book of nature.

Ross's survey of the latest scientific evidence will equip you to defend this historical view and instill confidence that the testimony of nature will always concord with the words of Scripture.

Notable Recommendation

"It is hard to overstate the global impact that Hugh Ross's writings have had.  And being the fruit of a lifetime of scholarship, Recusing Inerrancy may well be his best book to date.  Moreover, it comes at a crucial hour in church history where the nature of biblical revelation and authority are needlessly eroding.  That's why this book should be at the top of your reading list.  It's not a rehash of ideas already presented.  Rather, it contains a lot of new and fresh evidence and arguments that are quite informative.  The result is a feast of ideas that covers an incredibly wide range of topics with rigor and care.

As is typical of Ross, he doesn't hide from the hard issues.  And by wisely adopting a moderate concordism, he deftly guides the reader through the contentious topics in science and Christianity integration.  The result is a set of intellectually satisfying answers that are consistent with scientific findings and give proper respect to the inerrant Word and solid hermeneutics.  I could not recommend this book more highly."

- J.P. Moreland
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy
Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Author of Scientism and Secularism  

And while I confess I am not "notable," I am currently reading this book and it is excellent thus far.

You can get your copy here.

Learn more about Dr. Ross and his ministry here.

Courage and Godspeed,

1. Taken from here.
2. Taken from here.

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