Apologetics315 Podcast: Beauty and Love with Paul Gould


In this episode, Brian and I engage with philosopher Paul Gould to discuss the profound connection between beauty, love and theism. We delve into why beauty is more likely on theism than naturalism and explore various philosophical perspectives on love and the recognition of beauty.

Topics Covered:

1. Introduction to the Topic of Beauty:

- Beauty in Theism vs. Naturalism:
- Gould explains why beauty is more likely on theism than naturalism.
- Discussion on the analogy between human artistic creativity and the universe's beauty.
- The improbability of a universe saturated with beauty under naturalism's unguided, blind forces.

2. Philosophical Arguments and Analogies:

- Human Artistic Creativity:

- Creating beautiful art requires skill and intention, paralleling the idea of a divine artist behind the universe.
- Entropy and Beauty:
- Examination of why beauty persists despite the laws of entropy and randomness under naturalism.

3. Exploring the Nature of Love:

- Defining Love:

- Gould outlines five features of love:
1. Multi-directed
2. Complex
3. Deep and Enduring
4. Active and Passive
5. Valuable
- Discussion on how contemporary philosophical views often fail to capture these features fully.
- Aquinas's wisdom on love as a comprehensive framework.

4. Beauty as a Properly Basic Belief:

- Plantinga's Concept of Properly Basic Beliefs:
- Inquiry into whether the recognition of beauty can be considered a properly basic belief, not needing argumentation to be justified.
- Experiences of Beauty:
- Distinctions between judgments of beauty, experiences of beauty, beautiful things, and beauty itself.
- The Christian story's integration of beauty, truth, and goodness, particularly through the narrative of the cross.

5. Listener Questions and Practical Insights:

- Interacting with Listener Inquiries:
- Addressing questions about the recognition and judgment of beauty.
- Discussion on the practical implications of philosophical views on love and beauty.

You can listen here.

Learn more about Dr. Gould's work here.

Courage and Godspeed,

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