Worldview and Apologetics in the News


Ancient Christian mosaic containing one of the earliest references to Jesus' divinity unveiled

Albert Mohler Says Truth, Not Pet Memes, Should Guide Christian Views on Immigration

FACT CHECK: Did Georgia’s pro-life law kill a young mom?

Podcast: Where Do Democrats Stand on Major Issues?

3,000-year-old sword with Biblical origins is discovered in Egypt

What doctors could have done to prevent Amber Thurman and Candi Miller's deaths

The Brew: Abortion Pill Kills Georgia Woman, Harris Blames Pro-Life Law

By Endorsing Political Candidates, Science Mag “Inflames Disdain for Science,” Says Science Writer

Counterpoints: Pope Francis vs. Jesus of Nazareth

‘The Chosen’ Unveils 5 Future Projects Including Acts, Moses and Bear Grylls Series among Them

Pastor Terrorized, Arrested For ‘Reading the Bible Aloud’ Scores ‘Complete Victory’

FEIGNED FURY: Abortion advocates only care about abortion pill clients dying in pro-life states

Courage and Godspeed,

Our last edition is here.
