Richard Swinburne on God as the Best Explanation

"Scientists, historians and detectives observe data and proceed thence to some theory about what best explains the occurrence of these data...We find that the view that there is a God explains everything we observe, not just some narrow range of data.  It explains the fact that there is a universe at all, that scientific laws operate within it, that it contains conscious animals and humans with very complex intricately organized bodies, that we have abundant opportunities for developing ourselves and the world, as well as teh more particular data that humans report miracles and have religious experiences...The very same criteria which scientists use to reach their own theories lead us to move beyond those theories to a creator God who sustains everything in existence."

Courage and Godspeed,

1. As quoted by Kenneth R. Samples and Mark Perez, Clear Thinking in a Messy World: A Christian Guide to Logic, Reason, and Cognitive Bias, p. 118 (Kindle).

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