"Paul presents a gospel (1 Cor. 15:1-6) that is rooted in space-time history. This is not a dream, not a religion, and not just one option among many on the religious salad bar. It is not possible to believe this gospel and then conclude that we are left to find peace and fulfillment in some out-of-body journey or wherever we can find it. This is about a real-life, historical figure. Paul dared his readers to check it out for themselves, and he told them that if this gospel was not verifiable, the Christian faith was in vain (1 Cor. 15:14). This bold claim is entirely dependent on objective reality, not subjective experience. The Good News - and that's what gospel actually means - is that Jesus died on a cross to pay for our sins in full, and those who trust him are forgiven and absolutely clean. The power of sin is broken, Satan has been defeated and Jesus has made us free."1
Courage and Godspeed,