Let me start off by saying that as a follow of Jesus Christ, Darwinism and the evidence for it, does not scare me in the least. Even if evolution were proven to be true, it would not logically follow that the Christian God does not exist.
That being said, a common phrase repeated by advocates of Darwinian evolution is Dobzhansky's claim that "nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution."
With that in mind, does the following information seem, um... thought-provoking to anyone other than myself?
Pioneers of Modern Biology who either preceded Darwin or rejected his theory
Andreas Vesalius (Anatomy), 1514-1564
William Harvey (Physiology), 1578-1657
Francesco Redi (Microbiology), 1626-1697
John Ray (Botany), 1627-1705
Anton van Leeuwenhoek (Microbiology), 1632-1723
Robert Hooke (Microbiology), 1635-1703
Carolus Linnaeus (Systematics), 1707-1778
Lazzaro Spallanzani (Reproductive Biology), 1729-1799
Caspar Friedrich Wolff (Embryology), 1734-1794
Georges Cuvier (Paleontology), 1769-1832
Karl Ernst von Baer (Embryology), 1792-1876
Richard Owen (Comparative Biology), 1804-1892
Louis Agassiz (Zoology), 1807-1873
Gregor Mendel (Genetics), 1822-1884
With this information in mind, does that mean that the men who pioneered most of the fundamental disciplines in modern biology could not "make sense" of it?
Just something to think about...
Courage and Godspeed,
1. Jonathan Wells, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Darwinism and Intelligent Design, p. 77.
To read an excerpt from the book, click here.