An Invitation from the Reasons to Believe (RTB) Waynesboro, PA Chapter

The RTB Waynesboro, PA Chapter invites you to our chapter meeting on August 15. 

Drawing from the audio series The Problem of Evil, chapter officer Roger Adlon will be presenting a lecture on evil and suffering.

Date: Thursday, August 15 

Time: 7:00–9:00 PM

Location: The Way Station

300 West Main Street
Waynesboro, PA 17268

This event is free and open to all. There will be light refreshments and an RTB resource giveaway.

Please contact chapter president Teresa Tibbits at or (717) 446-9033 with any questions.

Courage and Godspeed,


Marc said…
I like the RTB folks, but their belief in inerrancy undermines their apologetic efforts.

Lovely greetings from Germany.
Liebe Grüsse aus Deutschland.

Lothars Sohn - Lothar's son