New York Times Permits Intelligent Design Proponents to Speak for Themselves; Yes, Really!
ISIS Group Releases Image of 'Beheaded' Pope Francis
Skeletons could provide clues to who wrote or protected the Dead Sea Scrolls
Virginia: Islamic conference decries US as “land of infidels,” says Americans should be “forced” to accept Qur’an
Delaware takes self-determination a bit too far
Beyond politics- Evaluating accusations of sexual misconduct
It’s Official: Evangelicals Appreciate Chick-fil-A the Most
One-on-One with Elmer Towns on His New Paraphrase “The Bible by Jesus”
Darwinists Concede Wikipedia Erased Bechly for Coming Out in Favor of Intelligent Design
‘Help kids be trans without parental consent’, says guidance backed by Scots Govt
Die Hard for jihadists? IS recruits with heroic tales
Can the Gospels Be Integrated Together? One Scholar says Yes
ISIS Group Releases Image of 'Beheaded' Pope Francis
Skeletons could provide clues to who wrote or protected the Dead Sea Scrolls
Virginia: Islamic conference decries US as “land of infidels,” says Americans should be “forced” to accept Qur’an
Delaware takes self-determination a bit too far
It’s Official: Evangelicals Appreciate Chick-fil-A the Most
Movie Trailer: Samson
Courage and Godspeed,
Last weeks' edition is here.