Despite Fine-Tuning, Roger Penrose Is “Agnostic” About Intelligent Design
Movie Review: The Shift
Podcast: What is a Person? And Why It Matters with J.P. Moreland
Video: Why I Am Not a Christian Nationalist
Was Eve the First Transgender Female?
Series: Who Wrote the Gospels?, Pt. 1 - The Theory of the Anonymous Gospels
The Moral Rot Starts at the Top
Tennessee Lawmaker Introduces Age-Verification Bill to Protect Children From Pornography
Rob Reiner Documentary on Christian Nationalism Features Interviews With Prominent Evangelicals
Secularism Is Rising, While Widespread Biblical And Historical Illiteracy Is On The Increase
Cosmopolitan magazine promotes Satanic 'abortion ritual'
Courage and Godspeed,
Our last edition is here.