10 Things You Should Know about Apologetics by Mitch Stokes


In this featured article, thinker Mitch Stokes shares 10 things he believes you should know about apologetics.  They are as follows:

1. Apologetics is as much for believers as it is for unbelievers.

2. Apologetics can be used preemptively.

3. There is a difference between knowing that Christianity is true and showing that it’s true.

4. No one has all the answers.

5. There are no airtight arguments.

6. Don’t mistake the strength of your loyalty to Christ for the strength of your argument.

7. The strength of arguments is person-relative.

8. Apologetic method is person-relative.

9. Apologetics is more a matter of planting than a matter of harvesting.

10. Apologetics is ultimately about people. 

You can check out the article and Stokes' explanation of each here.

Courage and Godspeed,

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