Worldview and Apologetics in the News


'Star Wars' spinoff pushing LGBT ideology panned by viewers, loved by critics

Video: The LGBT Is God's GIFT to the WORLD! | #PrideMonth TikTok | Pastor Reacts

On Fine-Tuning, Responding to an Atheist YouTuber

Machaerus: Beyond the Beheading of John the Baptist

Movie Review: Jesus - A Deaf Missions Film

God is revealing the secret sins of Christian leaders

New Study Proves What a ‘Regular Connection With God,’ the Bible Can Truly Do in a Young Person’s Life

Boston Celtics win 18th NBA title, 17-year vet Al Horford gets his 1st: 'Glory to God!'

Evolutionary Biologist Concedes Intelligent Design Is the Cutting Edge

A Secular Gay Agnostic Talks with Stephen Meyer

Apologetics315 Podcast: Debate Teacher Reacts with Nate Sala

‘I’m Heartbroken’: Ex-Pastor at Gateway Church Responds to Robert Morris Scandal

Courage and Godspeed,

Our last edition is here.
