Bart Ehrman on the Manuscripts of the New Testament


"The manuscripts of the New Testament do indeed have large numbers of variations in them...But the problem is not of such a scope as to make it impossible to have any idea what the ancient Christian authors wrote.  If we had no clue what was originally in the writings of Paul or in the Gospels, this objection might carry more weight.  But there is not a textual critic on the planet who thinks this, since not a shred of evidence leads in this direction...As a result, in the vast majority of cases, the wording of these authors is not in dispute."1

Courage and Godspeed,

1. See Bart D. Ehrman, Did Jesus Exist? The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth, New York: HarperOne, 2012, 181; as quoted by Mike Licona in Jesus Contradicted, p. 209.
