Video Debate: Jimmy Akin vs. Bart Ehrman - Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?

I recently finished Dr. Bart Ehrman's helpful book Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth.  Although I have numerous disagreements with Dr. Ehrman about what we can know about the historical Jesus, there is no doubt that he is a gifted author that makes history enjoyable. 

After reading the book, I was reminded of this excellent debate between Dr. Ehrman and Catholic Answers apologist Jimmy Akin on the question, "Are the Gospels Historically Reliable?"  I was surprised I hadn't featured it!

This is an outstanding debate that I highly recommend!  

You can find Jimmy Aiken's works addressing Dr. Ehrman (that he mentions during the debate) here.  Aiken reflects on the debate here.

Courage and Godspeed,
