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Featured Audio: The Fine-Tuning Argument by Dr. William Lane Craig
As we continue to examine the Teleological Argument for the existence of God, this podcast featuring Dr. William Lane Craig discusses some of the evidence for design found in our universe. Alternate theories are also briefly addressed, as well as the length of the biblical creation days.
Check it out here.
Courage and Godspeed,
Chad A. Gross
Chad V,
I agree with you here. I am continually amazed at those who make such an issue out of the age of the earth. For me, at this stage of my studies, it's simply not a hill to die on.
When we stand before God, He is not going to say, "Chad, do you believe the earth is (fill in the blank) old or not?"
It is through repentance and trusting in Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for our sins, that secures our salvation.
The age of the earth is an important issue; however, it's not THE issue.