I wanted to take a moment, first of all, and welcome some of our new followers. Your readership is much appreciated and we hope that this blog serves in equipping you to better answer questions you may be asked about your faith in Christ and builds your confidence in those truths.
For those that are new to the blog, I am a father of 2 dear, young girls that I cherish. My youngest daughter has a kidney condition that we (my wife and I) have been dealing with for the past year(they discovered the problem in utero). My wife and I are traveling to John Hopkins Medical Center tomorrow to get a second opinion regarding my daughter's forthcoming surgery. Thankfully, the condition is not life threatening; however, those of you who have kids (and even those who don't!) can imagine how hard it is to see your little girl repeatedly poked, prodded, and stuck.
So, I am asking that you please pray for my youngest daughter (8 months) and for my wife and I. Please pray that God will be glorified through this situation and that my daughter will be safe.
I hope all of you don't mind me sharing this bit of personal information and I thank you for any prayers you may offer up in advance.
Courage and Godspeed,
Chad A. Gross
First off, I want to thank all of you who have emailed and/or commented regarding my daughter. Your thoughts and prayers are so appreciated.
We had a long day at John Hopkins today, but we received some comforting news. The doctor that we met with today confirmed everything that we had been told by our original doctor and seemed confident with the direction we are taking. Having said that, we will be following through with the surgery on May 26th at Children's Hospital in Washington, D.C. Please keep our daughter's surgery in your prayers.
Again, my wife and I are grateful for your thoughts, prayers, and kind words.
Yes, we'll pray for your little daughter.
God bless you always.
Thank you ever so much! God Bless you as well and I will update everyone as soon as we know anything!
I hope everything will go ok. I'll be thinking of you all.
Take care.
It's great to hear from you! Thank you so much! I'll update everyone as soon as I can.