Groothuis's primary passion is to make Christian truth known in contemporary culture and in the church. To that end, he speaks at many colleges and universities on apologetics and ethical themes. He is married to author and editor Rebecca Merrill Groothuis. [1]
You can check out Rebecca's site here. Moreover, Doug's blog, The Constructive Curmudgeon, can be viewed here.
Educational Background
Douglas R. Groothuis (pronunciation: grote-hice) received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Oregon. He is Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary, where he has served since 1993. [2]
Download Doug's Curriculum Vitae
On Jesus (Wadsworth Philosophers Series)
On Pascal (Wadsworth Philosophers Series)
Truth Decay: Defending Christianity against the Challenges of Postmodernism
Dictionary of Contemporary Religion in the Western World
Deceived by Light
To view a complete list of Doug's publications, see here.
Christian Apologetics Manifesto 2003: Sixteen Theses [Please read this]
Out thinking the World for Christ
Staying True to the Truth
Six Enemies of Apologetic Engagement [Highly Recommended]
Apologetics, Truth, and Humility
To view other articles by Doug on apologetics, see here.
The Ethics of Eternity
Some Problems with Pragmatism
Confronting the Challenge of Ethical Relativism
Why Matter Matters: The Challenge of Cyberspace to Christian Doctrine and Ethics
To view other articles by Doug on ethics, see here.
Nietzsche's Evaluation of Christian Ethics
Intelligent Design and the State University: Accepting the Challenge
The Jesus We Never Knew
Questioning Hume's Theory of Meaning
To view Doug's other articles on philosophy, see here.
A Call for Discretion on the Internet
How to Write a Letter to the Editor
Evidence for Easter
The Gnostic Gospels: Are they Authentic?
To view a complete list of Doug's articles that include book reviews, topic bibliographies, social commentary, and more, see here.
To anyone interested in cutting edge apologetics, I cannot recommend Doug Groothuis's works more.
Courage and Godspeed,
1. Doug Groothuis, Biography, http://www.ivpress.com/groothuis/doug/biography.php
2. Ibid., http://www.ivpress.com/groothuis/doug/biography.php