Questions to Ponder: What is your Favorite Christmas Movie?

Hello; this is the second post in a series entitled Questions to Ponder. The first dealt with atheist Richard Dawkins and his claim that Darwin allowed one to be an "intellectual fulfilled atheist." If you missed that one you can check it out here.

This question is much less serious, but very time appropriate. I thought it would be fun to ask-

What is your favorite holiday movie? What is it you like about the film?

Courage and Godspeed,



Billy said…
It's a Wonderful Life- I always enjoy this movie because it really captures the fact that we impact more lives everyday than we think we do sometimes.

Merry Christmas!
Chad said…

Great pick! You just like the part when Sam W. says, "Hee-haw!" Ha!

bathmate said…
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Jake said…
White Christmas with Danny Kay and Bing Crosby!!

Merry Christmas to all,
Chad said…

I'm ashamed to say this but I haven't seen that movie!

Please forgive me! :-)

Godspeed and Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Jake said…
It's a good movie, especially watching it with your significant other :)

Merry Christmas
Lavinia4truth said…
In recent years, I have found that I like the Christmas Child by Max Lucado. It has subtle yet powerful themes, and it has a good story with a happy ending. FOF Radio Theater's "A Christmas Carol" is great too.

Chad said…

Seriously, I just got done watching that movie 10 minutes ago! Such a great flick!

Have a very, Merry CHRIST-mas!

As the movie says, "He came!"