Pastor Aaron Goerner's blog and e-book, Is the Qur'an the Word of God, provides excellent resources for witnessing to Muslims.
John Warwick Montgomery, Ph.D. writes:
“No defense of Christian faith today exceeds in importance the case for Christianity over against Islam. Pastor Goerner's Is the Qur'an the Word of God? meets this need in an ideal way. (1) It is ... in every sense a practical tool for Christian witness. (2) It is solidly documented... (3) It focuses, as its title suggests, on the central issues, never becoming bogged down in minutiae or irrelevancies. The book cannot be too highly recommended to every Christian concerned with the advance of Islam in our 21st century world.”
You can checkout Pastor Goerner's blog here.
For more information on his e-book, see here.
I have also added this resource to our Apologetics Arsenal located here.
Courage and Godspeed,