Resource: The Failed Atheist

The Failed Atheist is a blog maintained by Dan Rodger. Rodger shares a bit about himself on his blog:

"Even though atheists may not like it when people say it, I'm a former atheist. Although I wasn't a Richard Dawkins or Christopher Hitchens type figure, none the less I didn't believe in God, and thus lived in a way which was consistent with me being captain of my ship. Perhaps I'm just not as clever as the New Atheists but I like to think that I hold truth to be something as important and my intellectual integrity simply won't allow me to ignore Jesus and embrace a god-less world-view that I doubt exists."

I encourage our readers to checkout Dan's blog where he offers varies thoughts, articles, and other resources dealing with various topics.

As Dan says, "I'm almost an Atheist.... I just believe in one more God than you do."

Dan's blog is also included in our An Apologetics Arsenal located here.


Courage and Godspeed,


St Badger said…
Thanks for the link Chad muchos appreciated, I was wondering why so many people were visiting. Keep up all the good work, you've got a great resource here. God-bless