In a five part Haven Today radio series, Dr. Michael Guillen,
a theoretical physicist and former science correspondent for ABC News and Harvard physics professor, talks about how there is no vast void between science and faith and how science was the very thing that lead him to faith in and love for God.
Regarding the relationship between science and faith, he states:
My science and my faith live hand in hand. They lift each other up! They don’t tear each other down! Don’t talk to me about a gulf! Don’t talk to me about science demolishing religion! Science and religion are both products of God’s creation. They are both beautiful.
Regarding how science lead him to God, he says:
The fact the beauty of the universe is more than skin deep; the fact that science expanded my mind to believe in things that were even more far out than God; the fact that science taught me that there is a single truth...opened my eyes to God.
You can listen to the series here.
Stand firm in Christ,

Regarding the relationship between science and faith, he states:
My science and my faith live hand in hand. They lift each other up! They don’t tear each other down! Don’t talk to me about a gulf! Don’t talk to me about science demolishing religion! Science and religion are both products of God’s creation. They are both beautiful.
Regarding how science lead him to God, he says:
The fact the beauty of the universe is more than skin deep; the fact that science expanded my mind to believe in things that were even more far out than God; the fact that science taught me that there is a single truth...opened my eyes to God.
You can listen to the series here.
Stand firm in Christ,