Victor Stenger, author of God: The Failed Hypothesis, is an opponent of scientific arguments for a Creator. In this debate, Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe challenges many of Stenger's assumptions and makes his own case for a Creator with a testable creation model.
This program was recorded at the 2008 Skeptics Society Conference entitled Origins and the Big Questions. You can order your copy here.
The exchange was interesting, but I found Stenger's attempt to avoid an initial singularity to be disappointing. He argued using a model develop by Stephen Hawking based upon "imaginary time" in which Hawking himself admits is "just a metaphysical proposal." [1] Moreover, Stenger seemed unwilling to defend it in the cross-examination.
Finally, the Q and A was interesting, with Dr. Ross receiving almost all of the questions. Most were respectfully asked.
Courage and Godspeed,
1. Stephen W. Hawking, A Brief History of Time (New York: Bantam, 1988), p. 136-139.