As we continue our highlighting of Abdu Murray's book Grand Central Question, Chapter 1 begins with just a few of the numerous central questions of life that every major worldview seeks to answer: What accounts for human suffering? Where is God when tragedy strikes? Do people have objective value? With the help of Ravi Zacharias, Murray filters out four main questions under which all other life questions fall. They are as follows:
1. What
explains existence? Or, is there a God?
2. Is
there an objective purpose and value to human existence?3. What accounts for the human condition?
4. Is there a better life or a salvation from our present state?
worldview should address all the central questions of life or else it is not a full
view of the world. Murray also notes that “any worldview worth believing should
also be internally consistent as it answers these questions…[it’s] answers to
one set of questions (say, answers to questions about human origins) should not
contradict its answers to another set of questions (say, answers to questions
about meaning and purpose)” (p. 31).
what is a worldview? Murray provides James Sire's definition of a worldview as:
a commitment, a fundamental
orientation of the heart, that can be expressed as a story or a set of
presuppositions…that we hold…about the basic constitution of reality, and that
provides the foundation on which we live and have our being (pp. 30-31).
then umbrellas all major views and religions under these three worldviews: naturalism, pantheism, and theism.
To be
worthy of our attention each of these worldviews must provide clear answers to
the four fundamental questions mentioned above. However, each of these
worldviews places emphasis on answering one of these questions and claims to
answer that one question better than the others. Murray calls this a worldview’s
Grand Central Question. How a worldview answers its Grand Central Question defines
it and determines how well it answers the other fundamental questions
cohesively. The book is Murray’s exploration of how each of these three
worldviews answers its Grand Central Question and how the gospel of Jesus of
Nazareth answers that same question.
will be examining naturalism through a secular humanist lens as it is its most
influential form. He writes:
The humanism in secular humanism
refers to the objective meaning and value of human beings. It is the
affirmation of human dignity and value. The secular in secular humanism refers
to the idea that human dignity and value can be realized without reference to
any higher power or transcendent being (pp. 35-36).
secular humanism’s Grand Central Question is number 2
means “all is God.” Therefore distinctions between the divine and nondivine and
between individual persons or things are considered to be illusions. Further Murray
Pantheism’s most prevalent forms
are Hinduism, Buddhism and their Western counterparts, which include New Age
beliefs, Scientology and the so-called New Spirituality…Nearly every
pantheistic religion or view espouses some form of reincarnation and a cyclical
view of death and birth
(p. 37).
examines pantheism broadly and its Grand Central Question is number 4.
Due the
rate of its growth and its influence, Murray selected Islam to represent theism
in his examination. He was born into Islam and followed it for much of his
life. He writes:
Islam is a staunchly
monotheistic religion. Monotheism, called Tawhid by Muslims, is a key doctrine
of Islam. Tawhid is not just the idea that there is only one God, but also that
the one God is indivisible and does not exist as a “godhead”… For Muslims,
doctrines like the Trinity and the incarnation of God in Christ are anathema,
because they diminish God’s greatness by suggesting that which is unthinkable.
To even conceive of God as existing in a differentiated state or as a being who
dwells in bodily form with his creation is to conceive of a less-than-perfect
God, a God who is not great
(p. 38).
Islam’s Grand Central Question is number 1.
Christian Gospel
Christianity does not focus on one Grand Central Question, but provides a central narrative. Murray writes:
This narrative is that the
triune God purposefully created humanity to be in relationship with him, but
humanity rejected that relationship and thus rejected its very purpose. But God
redeems humanity through his incarnate Son, Jesus, restoring the relationship
and thus restoring our purpose (p. 39).
gospel’s answers to all of the Grand Central Questions derive from this
also provides a summation of the analysis of there worldviews that takes place
in the book:
Where secular humanism seeks to
provide an answer to the question of human purpose in a way that satisfies
reason, the gospel offers a rational answer that also provides a sense of
existential fulfillment. Where pantheism offers a means to escape from the
human condition by relying heavily on mysticism, the gospel faces the human
condition by undergirding spirituality with realism, evidence and God’s
compassion. And while Islam expresses its idea of God’s greatness in pure
reverence and obedience, the gospel highlights God’s greatness by espousing a
consistent theology that is supported by history and philosophy (pp. 39-40).
Stand firm in Christ,