In this article from
the Gospel Coalition, Erik Raymond gives a good overview of basic answers for
why you can trust the Bible:
As Christians we are
to always be ready to give a defense of the hope that is within us (1 Pet. 3:15). The basis of this hope is our
confidence that the Bible is God’s Word. It is trustworthy and sufficient.
There are many times
when our confidence in the Bible can come under attack. Consider a
temptation to doubt the truth of God’s Word when you or someone close to you is
diagnosed with a severe medical condition. Are you tempted to doubt the
sufficiency and truthfulness of God’s promises? Or consider the moment of great
temptation to sin. Like Eve you are appraising the way the desire can bring
satisfaction to you and meet your need. You weigh this against God’s Word. At
some point you have to remind yourself of the truthfulness of the Bible.
Finally, consider a conversation with an unbelieving friend who is sanctioning
their lifestyle because the Bible is not true. In each of these scenarios you
need to have some quick, simple, and compelling truths on retainer.
I’ve put these 5
together as something of a quick reference notecard for why I believe the
Bible. I’m sure there is an acronym or something clever but I’ve not thought of
(1) The Biblical Argument.
By this I simply mean
that the Bible claims to be God’s Word. This claim is not just in a remote
passage or book but throughout. We read in 2 Timothy 3:16, “All Scripture is breathed out
by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for
training in righteousness,”. The source of the text, the Word is God himself.
There is no flinching on this fact from Genesis to Revelation. The fact that
the Bible claims to be God’s Word and proves to be so throughout history needs
to be on my mind when dealing my doubts or a skeptic’s.
(2) The Historical Argument.
Here I am simply
saying that overall the people and places in the Bible show up in history. When
we read of descriptions of times and events we often find these same things in
extra-biblical history. Further, when archeologists dig and uncover ancient
artifacts it often shows us that biblical events that were not previously
discovered were in fact true. And finally, the history of events from within
the Bible in terms of prophecy, they happen. Consider the Babylonian captivity,
King Cyrus, and the details concerning the life of Christ. Within the canon of
Scripture it unfolds with historical consistency.
(3) The Empirical Argument.
Personally speaking, I
have experienced a substantial change. The day I was converted I walked out of
my house cursing God and then I came home praising him. How does this happen?
My experience tells me that this is not some ordinary book. I’ve been moved to
tears reading other books but this book actually reads me, wrecks me, and
rebuilds me. What’s more, I’ve seen and experienced this same thing with other
people. This change is not limited to gender, ethnicity, geography, or even
time. This book claims to change lives and it actually does.
(4) The Logical Argument.
There is a single,
coherent theme throughout the book that the glory of God is paramount. If God
were to write a book this is how he would write it. If man were to write a book
this is not how he would write it. It has the “ring of truth” as Lewis would
say. Man would tend to diminish his defects and exaggerate his virtues; the
Bible seems to do the opposite. It maintains the dignity of humanity but also
shows its brokenness. It is here that we see the glory of God on display. This brings
me to another aspect of this argument. If you survey all world religions most
will agree that there is a problem and they exist to help us with this problem.
However, it is only biblical Christianity that actually maintains a God who
does not compromise. Every other plan of salvation has God bending his
righteousness in order to show love. Man and God partner together to achieve
salvation. However, with the Bible God does not compromise. He maintains and
demonstrates his righteousness while showing forth his love!
On the cross God is both the just and the justifier (Rom. 3:26). This means that he does
compromise. Think about this: the Bible maintains that all of God’s attributes
are in tact, no dimples, defects, or deflation! However, without the cross (and
outside of the Bible) you have a god who compromises something in order to
bring salvation. This reminds me of God’s infinite wisdom, love, mercy and
grace—as well as his authorship of the Bible.
(5) The Christological Argument.
This seals the deal.
Here is it is an a nutshell: since Jesus rose from the dead he is God,
therefore, his view of the Bible is the right one. Jesus believed the Bible was
divinely inspired (Mt. 4:2; Mt. 22:31-32), authoritative (Lk. 4; Jn. 10:34-36; 12:47-48); powerful (Mt. 5:17-18; Jn. 6:63; Jn. 17:17); and about him (Lk: 24:25-27,
44-47; Jn. 5:46-47).
Furthermore, he believed the Bible was historically accurate, “”In the Gospels
we see Jesus reference Abel, Noah, Abraham, Sodom and Gomorrah, Isaac and
Jacob, manna in the wilderness, the serpent in the wilderness, Moses as the
lawgiver, David and Solomon, the Queen of Sheba, Elijah and Elisha, the widow
of Zerephath, Naaman, Zechariah, and even Jonah, never questioning a single
event, a single miracle, or a single historical claim. Jesus clearly believed
in the historicity of biblical history.” (DeYoung, Taking God at His Word). Having Jesus’
bibliology is never a bad idea.
In the midst of
temptation you will hear the words of doubt again, “Did God really say?” You
and I need to be ready to muzzle the serpent with truth. Continue to tutor
yourself with the reality that God’s Word is in fact God’s Word. Do this in the
good times as well as the difficult times. Keep on studying and delighting in
this truth that you might be able to properly deal with doubts both from within
and from without.
But don’t take Erik’s
word for it, read the book – don’t wait for the movie.
Have a little hope on
- The (B)ible Argument
- THE (I)ndividual Argument
- The (B)acked by Facts Argument
- The (L)ogical Argument
- The (E)mpirical Argument
I used the phrase "Bible Argument" instead of biblical argument so that the first argument and the acronym match, making it more memorable. The phrase THE Individual Argument refers to THE greatest individual who ever lived. The Backed by Facts Argument represents your historical argument. And the last two arguments, Logical and Empirical, are left unchanged.
Thanks for your helpful article, by the way.