How to Reach Your Non-Christian Relatives This Christmas by Frank Turek

One of the many benefits of the Christmas season is that it presents a wonderful opportunity to share the gospel with friends and family. However, sometimes it can be difficult to know how to steer the conversation in a spiritual direction.

In this post from, Dr. Frank Turek offers 10 ways believers can move people closer to the gospel this holiday season or any time!

They are as follows:

Pray: Start praying now for opportunities and for hearts to be open. Then volunteer to pray before the meal (No one will interrupt or critique a prayer!). Keep the prayer short and thank God for:
Your family members and guests by name
The food
Coming to earth that first Christmas in the person of Jesus to pay for our sins and to offer forgiveness and salvation for free to anyone who trusts in Christ

Serve: Get off the couch and serve people as if you were a real Christian!
Ask: Seriously ask people how they’ve been doing this year. Then ask them, “Is there anything I can pray for you about?”

Testify: If they ask you how you’ve been doing, fold in a story of how God is working.
Agree & Affirm whatever they get right. It will make points of disagreement more acceptable.

Use Tactical Questions

When They Get Something Wrong: When people make truth claims, it’s not your job to refute them—it is their job to support them. So before responding to their statements, ask these questions.

What do you mean by that?
How did you come to that conclusion? (Or what evidence do you have for that?)
Have you ever considered…? (Fill in the blank with the evidence you would like the person to consider).

Use the Quick Answers section of the CrossExamined App to respond to specific objections.

Show them what makes your walk easier: Glo Bible, You Version Bible, CrossExamined App (people love gadgets and apps).

Seed the conversation: Depending on how the conversation goes, some of these statements may get people thinking and even get them to ask you questions.

 They include:

If I were perfect, I wouldn’t need a Savior.
God won’t force people into Heaven against their will.
I don’t have enough faith to be an atheist.
The greatest miracle in the Bible is the first verse.
What motive did the Jewish New Testament writers have to make up a new religion?
If Christianity were true, would you become a Christian?

10. Write them afterwards: Following up on a conversation later via email can be very effective. That’s because you can present your ideas more clearly and completely while the other person can actually consider what you are saying without feeling the pressure of having to respond immediately. You can also include links to articles or websites for those that want to go deeper.
What about you? What tactics or approaches do you find effective in reaching others with the gospel around the holidays? Please feel free to share in the comments below!

Courage and Godspeed,

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thank you