Video: Cosmology- A Religion For Atheists? by William Lane Craig

Text taken from here:

"In the film The Theory Of Everything, Stephen Hawking (portrayed by Eddie Redmayne) claims that cosmology is 'a religion for intelligent atheists'. The question haunts the film as it haunts Hawking's books.

Dr William Lane Craig examines this claim - critiquing both dialogue from the film, and Prof. Hawking's own publications. Does a beginning to the universe entail a creator? Does Hawking's latest "no boundary" Big Bang model eliminate the need for God? What hope is there, in a Godless universe? And is philosophy 'dead' as Stephen Hawking claims?

Dr William Lane Craig's Kalam Cosmological Argument is the most widely discussed argument for the existence of God in contemporary western philosophy. He is Research Professor of Philosophy at Talbot School of Theology and Houston Baptist University. He's published over 40 books and over 150 articles in peer-reviewed journals. He is most known online for his lectures and debates with leading atheists and skeptics.

This lecture was delivered at Highfield Church, Southampton, in the UK. Still images from The Theory Of Everything (Universal Studios and Focus Features) have been included under and constitute Fair use for Academic Purposes."

Courage and Godspeed,

HT: Peter S. Williams via Twitter
