Resources for Evaluating "The Shack"

For those who haven't heard, William P. Young's best-selling book The Shack is being made into a feature film and will be released this coming weekend.  You can learn more about the film and watch the trailer here.

Upon a recommendation, I read the book a few years ago and found the story to be heart-breaking, gripping and inspiring.  However, there are numerous theological problems embedded throughout the story.  I remember one relative telling me that the book really helped them understand the Trinity!  Yikes!

I wanted to share a few online resources that I hope will prove helpful while reading the book, viewing the film and talking to friends and relatives about the movie.

Online Resources

The Shack Profile by Robert M. Bowman, Jr. [PDF]

The Shack: Helpful or Heretical? by Norman Geisler

Critique of The Shack- A Christian Theologian's Perspective by Patrick Zukeran

The Shack by William P. Young by Tim Challies

What Does The Shack Really Teach? “Lies We Believe About God” Tells Us by Tim Challies [Recently Added]

What is's review of The Shack by William P. Young? by

The Shack — The Missing Art of Evangelical Discernment by Al Mohler

The Shack: Four Walls, Five Reviews by Fred Sanders [humorous]

Movie Review: The Shack by Focus on the Family's Plugged In

The Shack Movie Review by Melinda Penner

Should Christians Boycott the Film?

I saw that some Christians are considering a boycott of the film based upon it's heretical content.  I believe this is wrongheaded.  I see films like "The Shack" as a wonderful opportunity to talk with unbelievers about the true nature of God and the gift of salvation He offers in Jesus Christ.  My suggestion is that you take the time to read some of the resources above and see the film.  Then, when others are talking about it at the water cooler or at family gatherings, you will be ready to offer theologically accurate thoughts that the Holy Spirit can use to point them toward the one, true God.

Courage and Godspeed,

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