Britain's youngest sex swap patient reveals why she's undergoing surgery to switch gender for the third time
Planned Parenthood to Preschoolers: ‘Genitals Don’t Make You a Boy or Girl’
Planetary Protection Excites Space Fans of All Ages
What's the Difference Between Socialism and Communism?
Lost Roman city that was home to Jesus' apostles found, say archaeologists
A Neurosurgeon Rebuts Evolutionist Jerry Coyne’s Call to Kill Some Newborns
Scientists, theologians ponder if latest biological findings are more compatible with religion
Trump to North Korea: U.S. Ready to Respond With ‘Fire and Fury’
Professor: One day killing newborn babies will be widespread, and ‘it will be for the better’
High-ranking Mormon church leader is excommunicated for the first time in nearly three decades
Philosopher in NY Times: The Universe Has No Purpose, But We Can Pretend…
A. N. Wilson’s forthcoming book on Darwin as fraud
Eric Metaxas on Canaanite DNA and “Fake News”
Hiroshima, North Korea, and the End of Just War
Signs from heaven
Eclipse showcases beauty of God’s creation
Fetuses That Will be Aborted Don’t Have Moral Status Because They are about to Die, Says Professor
Biologists Analyze 900-Year-Old Gospel of Luke
Atheism Specifically Targets Christianity Above Any Other Religion. Why?
What's the Difference Between Socialism and Communism?
Lost Roman city that was home to Jesus' apostles found, say archaeologists
A Neurosurgeon Rebuts Evolutionist Jerry Coyne’s Call to Kill Some Newborns
Trump to North Korea: U.S. Ready to Respond With ‘Fire and Fury’
Professor: One day killing newborn babies will be widespread, and ‘it will be for the better’
Philosopher in NY Times: The Universe Has No Purpose, But We Can Pretend…
Eric Metaxas on Canaanite DNA and “Fake News”
Hiroshima, North Korea, and the End of Just War
Signs from heaven
Courage and Godspeed,
Last week's edition is here.