On a surface level, this certainly seems to be true. However, upon closer examination, we learn that while most religions have a similar moral code1, they actually disagree on almost every major issue including the nature of God, the nature of man, sin, salvation, heaven, hell and creation!
Author and apologist Frank Turek explains the significance of these facts:
"Think about it: the nature of God, the nature of man, sin, salvation, heaven, hell and creation. Those are the biggies! Here are a few of those big differences:
"You could also summarize by saying that although religions appear to say similar things horizontally (love your neighbor, etc), they are saying radically different things vertically (in relation to God, etc)."3
So, while this claim may be popular, it is clearly untenable.
For answers to common objections, go here.
Courage and Godspeed,
1. For the Christian, this is just what we would expect to find when one considers the Christian conviction that God has implanted right and wrong on our consciences. Consider the words of Paul in Romans 2:12-16.
2. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, p. 46.
3. This quote originated on FB and was used with Pastor Clemente's permission.
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Author and apologist Frank Turek explains the significance of these facts:
"Think about it: the nature of God, the nature of man, sin, salvation, heaven, hell and creation. Those are the biggies! Here are a few of those big differences:
- Jews, Christians, and Muslims believe in different versions of a theistic God, while most Hindus and New Agers believe that everything that exists is part of an impersonal, pantheistic force they call God.
- Many Hindus believe that evil is a complete illusion, while Christians, Muslims, and Jews believe that evil is real.
- Christians believe that people are saved by grace while all other religions, if they believe in salvation at all, teach some kind of salvation by good works (the definition of 'good' and what one is saved from varies greatly)."2
Pastor Justin Clemente offers another way to think about this common claim. He writes:
So, while this claim may be popular, it is clearly untenable.
For answers to common objections, go here.
Courage and Godspeed,
1. For the Christian, this is just what we would expect to find when one considers the Christian conviction that God has implanted right and wrong on our consciences. Consider the words of Paul in Romans 2:12-16.
2. Norman Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, p. 46.
3. This quote originated on FB and was used with Pastor Clemente's permission.
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Video: Do All Religions Offer a Piece of the Truth?
Michael C. Sherrard on Religious Pluralism
With All the Different Religions, How Can I Know which One is Correct? from gotquestions.org