My wife recently shared this resource with me that was posted by the 1 Peter 4:12-16 Christian Worldview Blog back in
November. The chart was created by Craig Hazen of Biola University.
The evidence for the resurrection of Jesus includes 12 facts
agreed upon by scholars, both liberal and conservative. A reasonable approach
is to evaluate those 12 known facts against 13 theories about what happened to
determine each theory’s explanatory power (which of the 12 facts it doesn’t
account for). The only 2 theories that account for all 12 known facts are:
- Jesus was an alien
- Jesus was bodily resurrected
are the 12 facts (gotten from a presentation by Dr. Craig Hazen):
Jesus died by crucifixion [*** core
fact #2]
He was buried
Jesus’ death caused the disciples to
despair and lose hope, believing that his life was ended
The tomb was discovered to be empty
just a few days later
The disciples had experiences which
they believed were literal appearances of the risen Jesus [*** core fact #3]
The disciples were transformed from
doubters who were afraid to identify themselves with Jesus to bold proclaimers
of his death and resurrection [*** core fact #1]
This message was the center of
preaching in the early church
This message was especially
proclaimed in Jerusalem, where Jesus died and was buried shortly before
As a result of this preaching the
church was born and grew
10. Sunday became the primary day of worship
11. James, who had been a skeptic, was converted to the faith
when he also believed he saw the resurrected Jesus
12. A few years later, Paul was also converted by an experience
which he, likewise, believed to be an appearance of the risen Jesus [***core
fact #4]
is a chart of 13 theories that attempt to explain the facts (again, credit is
given here to Craig Hazen for this excellent chart):
There you go--everything is explained.
Not sure you read the chart!
Take care