Pop Quiz! Can you match the historic heresy with the superhero who matches the bad idea about Jesus?
Superhero Heresy
1. Superman a. Eutychianism
2. Batman
b. Modalism
3. Ant-Man c. Nestorianism
4. Thor
d. Apollinarianism
5. Green
Lantern e. Arianism
6. The
Hulk f. Adoptionism
7. Spider-Man
g. Docetism
8. Gollum* h. Liberalism
That’s right, the bad ideas about Jesus, called heresies, can be matched to different superheroes you’ve read about in comic books, seen on TV and now enjoy in the movies (are you a DC or Marvel movie fan?)
That’s the point of Todd Miles’ book “Superheroes Can’t
Save You”. I found it to be a wonderful resource because it takes dry,
theological stuff (just look at the names!) and makes it accessible and easy to
understand. Each chapter begins with a brief description of the superhero from
the authors experience and love for the comics. Todd then describes the heresy
(which you now understand because of the connection to the superhero), who
commits the heresy today, what the Bible says and finally why it is important.
A great resource for anyone and everyone!
Post your answer to the quiz in the comments! I’ll post the answers next week!
But don’t take my word for it, read the book, don’t wait
for the movie.
Have a little hope on me, Roger
*Wait a minute you say, Gollum is no superhero.
Correct you are. And there is no chapter on the Gollum heresy. It is discussed
in the chapter on the Spider-Man heresy because the Spider-Man heresy was an
over reaction to the Gollum heresy.
1. g - Superman, Kal-El is only an alien – Docetism, Jesus is only divine.
2. h - Batman, Bruce Wayne is only human – Liberalism, Jesus is only human.
3. b - Ant-Man, Hank Pym can be Ant-Man, Giant-Man or Yellow Jacket, but only 1 at a time – Modalism, God can be Father, Son or Holy Spirit, but only 1 at a time.
4. e - Thor is a created god, the son of the God Odin – Arianism, Jesus is a created god, the son of God.
5. f - Green Lantern, Hal Jordan is a human who is given great power through a ring – Adoptionism, Jesus is a human who is given the great power of the Holy Spirit.
6. d - The Hulk, Bruce Banner is a human who is overwhelmed by the Hulk – Apollinarianism, Jesus is a human who is overwhelmed by divinity.
7. a - Spiderman, Peter Parker is a combination of human and spider – Eutychianism, Jesus is a combination of divine and human but neither divine nor human.
8. c - Gollum is a split personality between Gollum and Smeagol – Nestorianism, Jesus is a split personality between human and divine.
Now you can go out and impress your friends and pastors!