Movie Review - Cuties
Betrayed Trust, Part One: New Testimony, Emails & Other Documents Portray Ravi Zacharias as Predator in Sexting Scandal
What Could Make These Scholars Think Christians Would Celebrate BLM’s ‘Spiritual Diversity’?
‘Bring It On’: John MacArthur Says He’s Willing to Go to Jail to Keep Church Open
Suicide Rate Keeps Rising Among Young Americans
Debate - Is free will an illusion? And does it matter if it is? Dan Barker vs Braxton Hunter
Debate Review - The Barker/Hunter Free Will Debate: A Review
Charles Stanley Stepping Down After 50 Years as Pastor
The Ways of the Progressive Philosopher: A Conversation with J.L. Schellenberg
Courage and Godspeed,
Our last edition is here.
No follow posts of the Worldview and Apologetics in the News? This is an extremely long gap especially since The last post included an article on Ravi Zacharias. I hope you are going to continue the good work.
Cheers!! and God's Strength.