What if Everyone Lived the Sexual Ethic of Jesus? by Sean McDowell


In this featured post, Dr. Sean McDowell asks the question, "What if Everyone Lived the Sexual Ethic of Jesus?"  Have you ever thought about that?  And just what is the sexual ethic of Jesus?  McDowell asks:

"...what would the world be like if people followed God’s plan to wait until marriage for sexual activity with someone of the opposite sex, stayed faithful to their spouse for life, didn’t lust after other people, and then once they get married enjoy sexual intimacy in a committed, loving, and lifelong relationship?"

Then, McDowell argues that:

“There would be no sexually transmitted diseases. No abortions. No brokenness from divorce. Every child would have a mother and a father and experience the love and acceptance each parent uniquely offers. There would be no rape, no sex abuse, no sex trafficking, pornography, and no need for a #MeToo campaign. Think of the healing and wholeness if people simply lived Jesus’ life-giving words regarding human sexuality.”

Many argue that the sexual ethic of Jesus (or the Bible) is too restrictive, but perhaps, in reality, it affords more freedom than we can imagine.  

To checkout the entire post, go here.

I would recommend Dr. McDowell's excellent debate with Matthew Vines here.

Courage and Godspeed,

Article: Is the New Testament Reliable? by Sean McDowell

Video: Sean McDowell and Matthew Vines in Conversation- What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
