Popular online skeptic Matt Dillahunty is fond of saying that "claims are not evidence." This is especially evident when Dillahunty is debating the resurrection. However, is this truly the case? Or can claims count as evidence?
In his popular "Question of the Week" series, philosopher William Lane Craig responds to this popular quip. He writes:
"The problem with these sorts of slogans, which dominate popular culture, is that they are often an excuse for intellectual laziness, a refusal to grapple with the really difficult issues. What is perhaps most disturbing about such sloganeering is that it is symptomatic of a lack of intellectual curiosity on the part of the sloganeer, a lack of interest in important questions that merit serious reflection."
You can find WLC's full response here.
What do you think of WLC's response? Share in the comments below!
Courage and Godspeed,
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