Some of My Favorite Debates


Since becoming a Christian, I have always loved debates.  I have collected a few of my favorite below.  I enjoy these for various reasons and I am sure I will be adding to this list in the future.  When listening to debates, it is always good to remember Proverbs 18:17:

“The first to state his case seems right until another comes and cross-examines him.”

1. James Crossley vs. William Lane Craig - “Was Jesus Raised from the Dead?” (2012)

2. Jeff Lowder vs. Frank Turek - “What Better Explains Reality: Naturalism or Theism? (2016)

3. Braxton Hunter vs. Matt Dillahunty - “Does the Christian God Exist?” (2019)

4. William Lane Craig vs. Christopher Hitchens - “Does God Exist?” (2009)

5. Aron Ra vs. Michael Jones - “Is Christianity Dangerous?” (2019)

6. William Lane Craig vs. Francisco Ayala - “Is Intelligent Design Viable?” (2013)

7. Chris Date vs. Dale Tuggy - “Is Jesus Human and not Divine?” (2019)

8. Paul Draper vs. William Lane Craig - “Does God Exist?” (2013)

What are you favorite debates?  Please share in the comments below.  And if you are interested in why I picked a particular debate, please feel free to ask!  

Courage and Godspeed,
