Violence in the Bible by Paul Copan


Recently, Dr. William Lane Craig was interview by skeptic Alex O'Connor (see here).  In this fascinating discussion, Dr. Craig explains how he makes sense of God's command to kill all the Canaanite clans.  Dr. Craig himself writes:

"According to the Pentateuch (the first five books of the Old Testament), when God called forth his people out of slavery in Egypt and back to the land of their forefathers, he directed them to kill all the Canaanite clans who were living in the land (Deut. 7.1-2; 20.16-18). The destruction was to be complete: every man, woman, and child was to be killed. The book of Joshua tells the story of Israel’s carrying out God’s command in city after city throughout Canaan."1

Regardless of what you think of Dr. Craig's responses in the O'Connor interview, it is undeniable that many have been displeased (and even disgusted) by his responses to the problem.  But as some have pointed out, Dr. Craig really didn't say anything during the discussion that differs from the position he has held for quite some time.2

Regardless, it is important to note that there are various ways to understand the more violent passages in the Bible.  One thinker who has put much time and effort into understanding these texts is Dr. Paul Copan.  Copan is the author of various books on the topic such as Is God a Moral Monster?, Did God Really Command Genocide? and Is God a Vindictive Bully?  In this featured two part article, Copan address the claim that God commanded genocide and offers advice on how to best understand war passages in the Old Testament.  

You can find the two part article here and here.  

To learn more about Dr. Copan, go here.

Courage and Godspeed,

1. Dr. William Lane Craig, "Slaughter of the Canaanites," August 06, 2007.
2. I realize this says nothing about the truth or falsehood of Craig's position.  

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Paul Copan said…
Chad, I appreciate your posting this. I trust that my work will help people struggling with this issue to find illumination by seeing it from another angle--one supported by a number of Old Testament scholars.