Are Mormons Christians?


A few months ago on X, there was some discussion among atheists and Christians about whether or not Latter Day Saints (or Mormons) should be considered Christian or not.  A few atheists were even accusing Christians of committing the "no true scotsman" fallacy for claiming LDS folks fall outside the bounds of orthodoxy.  I think we can come to solid conclusion by examining what Mormons have historically taught about Christianity.

As apologist Brett Kunkle explains:

"Mormonism's founder and first prophet, Joseph Smith, prompted by his reading of James 1:5, prayed and inquired of God to reveal which church was the true church.

According to Smith's account, God declares all Christian sects not merely wrong, but corrupt.  Mormon doctrine states that shortly after the original apostles died off, the first church had a complete falling away from the gospel, known as the Great Apostasy.  

Therefore, the Book of Mormon is severe in its judgment, condemning Christianity as 'that great and abominable church' and 'the whore of all the earth' (1 Nephi 22:13), whose founder is Satan (1 Nephi 13:5-6).1

Kunkle concludes:

"Thus, the Mormon doctrine of the total apostasy of the church and the LDS scriptures' denunciations of Christianity are incompatible with the claim they are merely another branch or denomination of Christianity."2

Courage and Godspeed,

1. Brett Kunkle, STR Quick Reference App, Clarity before Agreement.

Counterpoints: Joseph Smith and The Book of Isaiah on the Existence of God

Book Preview: Introducing Christianity to Mormons by Eric Johnson
