Article - Why You Should Trust the New Testament: Reasons for Reliability by Benjamin Shaw

In this featured article, Benjamin Shaw offers some reasons that demonstrate that the New Testament is trustworthy.  He writes:

"Given that NT reliability is not only a popular but also an important topic, what can be said about it? Since the topic can be addressed from multiple angles and perspectives, I will present several different arguments that are part of a larger case that I have recently made in Trustworthy: Thirteen Arguments for the Reliability of the New Testament.  While I cannot cover all thirteen here, I can briefly introduce several to demonstrate that the NT is, in fact, trustworthy."

The reasons offered by Shaw include:

1. Textual Evidence
2. NT Genre
3. Creeds within the NT
4. Historical Criteria
5. Undesigned Coincidences
6. Spiritual and Life Transformation 

You can checkout the article here.

I also highly recommend Shaw's recent book Trustworthy: Thirteen Arguments for the Reliability of the New Testament.  You can learn more about it here.

Courage and Godspeed,

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