Article - Seven Reasons Why Moral Apologetics Points to Christianity by David Baggett


In my opinion, the most able defender of the moral argument is Dr. David Baggett.  In this featured post, Dr. Baggett shares 7 reasons why he believes moral apologetics points to Christianity.

He writes:

"Various moral arguments for God’s existence are usually deployed for the purpose of arguing for the truth of God’s existence per se, but they strongly hint at a more specific conclusion. Namely, they are plausibly taken to be evidence that Christianity in particular is true. The claim isn’t that by moral apologetics alone one can somehow deduce all the aspects of special revelation contained in Christianity, but rather this: in light of Christianity having been revealed, moral arguments for God’s existence point quite naturally in its direction. The following list is far from exhaustive, but offers a few reasons to think this is so."

You can checkout Dr. Baggett's 7 reasons here.

To learn more about Moral Apologetics and Dr. Baggett, go here.

Courage and Godspeed,
