
Sunday Praise: "God's Not Dead" by Newsboys

Did Paul Invent Christianity?

Why I Know the Story of Jesus Wasn’t Changed Over Time

How to Defend Your Pro-Life Views in 5 Minutes or Less

What is the Relationship between Science and Religion?

Sunday Praise: "May Your Wonders Never Cease" by Third Day

Article: "Is Noah's Flood Simply a Retelling of Prior Mythologies?" by J. Warner Wallace

Article: Joyce Meyer by Matt Slick

Hagerstown Apologetics Event: God on Trial

Video: The Trinity (Christian Triune Godhead) Explained Parts 1 and 2

With All the Different Religions, How Can I Know which One is Correct? from

Father's Day Video: Cinderella by Steven Curtis Chapman

C.S. Lewis on the Gospels

Video: Is Jesus the Only Way? featuring Bobby Conway

Video: Stephen Meyer asks, "What was Darwin's Doubt?"

Article: The Spiderman Fallacy by Robin Schumacher

Article: Self-Defeating Statements by Aaron of Apologetic Junkie

Sunday Praise: Empty Me by Jeremy Camp

The Taxicab Fallacy

Can a Smart Person Believe in God?

Debate Video: Is Intelligent Design Viable? Francisco Ayala vs. William Lane Craig

Article: Chesterton the Apologist by John Warwick Montgomery

Can You Design a Better Universe?

Peter Kreeft and Ronald K. Tacelli on Apologetic Arguments

Sunday Praise: "Worn" by Tenth Avenue North

Sunday Praise: How Great is Our God (World Edition) featuring Chris Tomlin

Article: A Universe from Someone: Against Lawrence Krauss by Peter S. Williams