
Greg Koukl on What It Is That Makes Us Equal

Sunday Praise: "It Is Well" by Bethel

Video: Why Apologetics? by Craig Hazen

Quote: Lenny Esposito on Apologetics and the Christian Life

Video: Real Answers to Tough Questions: A Talk with J.P. Moreland

Tough Topic Tuesday: God, Government, and Gospel

Will the Church Rise Up and Usher in Abortion's Demise?

Sunday Praise: "God With Us" by All Sons & Daughters

Article: The Problem with the Term "Pro-Choice" by Randy Alcorn

Book Preview: Keeping Your Kids on God's Side by Natasha Crain

Featured Resource: The Ultimate Apologetics MP3 Audio Page

Book Review- God's Crime Scene: A Cold-Case Detective Examines the Evidence for a Divinely Created Universe by J. Warner Wallace

Tough Topic Tuesday: God, Government and Gospel

Holding Our Leaders Accountable

Sunday Praise: "It Is Well" Jimmy Needham feat. John Piper

Video: Open to Reason by Greg Koukl

What is Reiki?

Tough Topic Tuesday: God, Government and Gospel

A Commonsensical Definition of Marriage

Sunday Praise: "You Alone" by Kutless

What Do We Mean When We Say the Bible is "Self-Authenticating"?

Paul Davies on the "DNA Conundrum"

Why Is Apologetics Important? A Personal Testimony

Mistaking the Means for the Ends

Video: The Resurrection of Jesus by William Lane Craig

Why Religious Liberty Arguments Aren't Working

Sunday Praise: "Liberty" by Shane & Shane

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